Reviews Erogen X

  • Patryk
    Great tool. With the help of this gel Erogen X I built up 5 cm in length and 1.5 in width. The wife loved it! If used only once a month, but now we have sex for two hours every day.
    Erogen X
  • Marta
    Gel Erogen X my husband two months ago. Affordable tool, high quality, and most importantly - effective! For 7 years of a joint life first began to enjoy the intimate life.
    Erogen X
  • Mateusz
    Early relationships didn't last longer than 2-3 meetings. No one spoke, but I think that after all it was the size of the penis. Learned about gel Erogen X forum for men with a similar problem. Happy with the result. Three months of use, the penis is 6 cm long. With the new girl meet for the second month, the relationship is super!
    Erogen X
  • Paulina
    My husband even could not say that I have no more strength to endure his small size! Start to search the Internet for information that in such situations, others do. Learned about Erogen X. Now before each sex that make her husband erotic massage and massaging his penis with the gel. He thinks his penis grew just from my massage) Plus 4 cm already just is!
    Erogen X
  • Krzysztof
    Haven't been able to have sex more than 15-20 minutes. Went to the doctor, recommended the use of gel Erogen X. After a week of use could survive for half an hour. Now after a month, sex two to three and even four hours is not a problem for me. Girls scream with pleasure. I'm happy with the result!
    Erogen X
Rating Erogen X